Creating your own stellar.toml file is a straightforward process that involves several steps to ensure it’s properly formatted and contains all the necessary information. Here’s a guide with examples to help you create your own stellar.toml file:

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Stellar TOML File

  1. Set Up Your Domain: Before you start, make sure you have a domain where you can host your stellar.toml file. The file must be accessible via HTTPS to ensure security.

  2. Create the TOML File: Start by creating a new text file and save it as stellar.toml.

  3. General Information: Begin with the general information about your Stellar account(s).

VERSION = "2.0.0"
NETWORK_PASSPHRASE = "Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015"


Account Information: List the public keys for all the Stellar accounts associated with your asset.





Organization Documentation: Provide details about your organization.



ORG_NAME = "Your Organization Name"
ORG_DBA = "Your Organization DBA"
ORG_URL = ""
ORG_DESCRIPTION = "Short description of your organization"
ORG_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS = "1234 Street Name, City, Country"
ORG_PHONE_NUMBER = "+1234567890"
ORG_KEYBASE = "yourkeybasename"
ORG_TWITTER = "yourorgtwitter"
ORG_GITHUB = "yourorggithub"


Currency Documentation: Describe the assets you are issuing.


IS_BASE_ASSET = "true"


Validator Information: If you’re running a validator, declare your node(s).


ALIAS = "your_validator_alias"
DISPLAY_NAME = "Your Validator Display Name"
HOST = ""


  1. Host the File: Upload your stellar.toml file to your web server. It should be placed in the /.well-known/ directory of your domain, like so: https://YOUR_DOMAIN/.well-known/stellar.toml.

  2. Link to Your Stellar Account: Use the set_options operation on the Stellar network to link your Stellar account to the domain hosting your stellar.toml file.

  3. Test Your File: After setting up, use a Stellar TOML validator to ensure that your file is correctly formatted and accessible.

Example of a Stellar TOML File:


VERSION = "2.0.0"
NETWORK_PASSPHRASE = "Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015"

IS_BASE_ASSET = "true"


Remember to replace YOUR_DOMAIN with your actual domain and GAXLYH...SOMESTELLARADDRESS with your actual Stellar public key. For more detailed information and examples, you can refer to the Stellar Developer Documentation and the Stellar Ecosystem Proposal SEP-0001. If you need further assistance or have specific questions, feel free to ask!